Pre-Recorded Workshops

Workshop | Speakers |
Carers Services at Beat |
The Beat Services Team |
ARFID- What is it and what can we do? |
How can carers engage with primary care to ensure effective medical monitoring? |
Understanding Eating Disorders – a taster from Beat’s Raising Resilience course including a conversation with an experienced carer. |
Jess Griffiths, Sophie Brassill, Keith Grimwade |
Social media – A help of hindrance to recovery? |
Naso-gastric tube feeding in the treatment of eating disorders. |
Is Family Based Treatment for anorexia nervosa starved of nutritional intervention? |
Ruth Devenish |
Lorna Collins & Dr Agnes Ayton |
Stories from siblings – how should we involve siblings in eating disorder treatment. |
Navigating treatment teams and services – practice tips for engaging in the process and ensuring the best outcome for you and your family. |
Non-clinical best practice: what support do families and carers need? |
Specialist Inpatient Care- A Carers Perspective. |
Implementing eating disorder prevention policy amidst Covid 19 |